I love the holidays!!!!
Sunday, December 16, 2012
MOTAB Christmas Concert!!
Well school is done, and I was finally able to come home! It felt so good to get in that car and know that I don't have to come back on Sunday night! It truly is the best feeling! And to add on top of that...Christmas is SO soon! Ah I just can't wait...well I guess I can because I have no choice haha! Well I came home on Friday, and Saturday morning I hopped in the car again with Holli and we headed to Salt Lake to go to Temple Square, and see the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert. It was the best weekend, and great way to relieve all that stress that had been building up the past couple of weeks. We went shopping at the new City Creek Mall, walked around Temple Square, went to the Rocky Mt. Chocolate Factory, ate at the Cheese Cake Factory and went to the concert! It was so much fun! We were only missing Heidi and Erica, but next year for sure we will all be able to go together and it will be twice as fun!
Thursday, December 13, 2012
End of Semester face!
DONE! DONE! DONE! DONE! I am finally done! I cannot even express how excited I am that this semester is over! Sure the weekends were fun, the learning was great but I am so tired and sick of being tired and stressed. A good three week break and a visit from Santa Clause is all I need!
It's been real! It's been fun! But it hasn't been real fun!!
Peace out Fall 2012!
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Whose engaged you ask? Well this beautiful couple!

Ok so the gorgeous girl is Katelyn! She is my room-roommate, and one of the best I'd have to say! Her and I are so much alike. We are both really clean and love to be organized! Couldn't have asked for a better roommate! And the dashing fellow to the right is AJ or Alex. Ok so this couple seriously could not be any cuter, and the proposal oh he did SO good. I mean she got to ride in a white carriage with horses...I wouldn't be complaining! haha! I just want them to know how excited I am for them! We have all grown so close this semester, and I have watched them go from their first date to the engagement. We, as in us roommates, all called it from the beginning of the semester. We joked with Katelyn that at the start that the first kiss she owed us all a chocolates, when they said "I love you" she had to make us each dinner and when the engagement happened she owed us each a steak dinner. haha lets just say we are going to be eating a good meal in a couple days! ;] These two are so stinking cute and I can't wait for them to be back in Rexburg!
Love you guys and I wish you the best in your life together!!

Ok this is my FAVORITE picture! They are a gorgeous couple, but really!
*These photos belong to Chelsea Caroline Photography
Ok so the gorgeous girl is Katelyn! She is my room-roommate, and one of the best I'd have to say! Her and I are so much alike. We are both really clean and love to be organized! Couldn't have asked for a better roommate! And the dashing fellow to the right is AJ or Alex. Ok so this couple seriously could not be any cuter, and the proposal oh he did SO good. I mean she got to ride in a white carriage with horses...I wouldn't be complaining! haha! I just want them to know how excited I am for them! We have all grown so close this semester, and I have watched them go from their first date to the engagement. We, as in us roommates, all called it from the beginning of the semester. We joked with Katelyn that at the start that the first kiss she owed us all a chocolates, when they said "I love you" she had to make us each dinner and when the engagement happened she owed us each a steak dinner. haha lets just say we are going to be eating a good meal in a couple days! ;] These two are so stinking cute and I can't wait for them to be back in Rexburg!
Love you guys and I wish you the best in your life together!!
Ok this is my FAVORITE picture! They are a gorgeous couple, but really!
*These photos belong to Chelsea Caroline Photography
Monday, December 10, 2012
Ugly Christmas Sweaters!
Ok so this past couple of weeks have been super super crazy! Finals weeks has arrived ladies and gents. and it is really stupid...I hate finals! Oh well we are that much closer to Christmas! :] Any-who...This last weekend my ward did an ugly Christmas sweater/white-elephant gift exchange! It was so fun! We had breakfast and then we all wore ugly Christmas sweaters! Our apartment decided to be creative and make them ourselves! We went to wally world got 5 dollar sweaters, some t-shirt paint, some googly eyes, pip cleaners, colored felt and went to town. Our apartment was a huge disaster for several days because we would work on them take a break work on them take a break...but they turned out WAY cute and our apartment got most creative award! Go us! The white-elephant exchange was great...I gave a box of chocolates half eaten...thank you Google! But other than that our week consisted of the library locking ourselves in our rooms and changing each others passwords! Don't ya just love finals week!
This is in the middle of creating them!
From left to right they are:
Kiss me it's Christmas with a drawing of a mistletoe
A snowman made out of cotton-balls
A fireplace with little stockings and a wooden sign on it
An I heart x-mas with a good try of a stitching job and a Christmas tree
A snowflake made out of pipe-cleaners
and I was a Rudolph the reindeer with a red bell on my shirt and I traced my hands on for antlers
Left to right the say:
This girl is always on the nice list
This girl is single (and ready to mingle)
This girl loves Christmas cookies (with her ice-cream)
This girl believes in Santa
I just like to smile! Smiling is my favorite
This girl believes deer can fly with a tail at the bottom
This is just a cute pinterest craft I did for our fridge! I thought it was pretty cute!
***P.S. Something VERY exciting is happening today and I can't wait to tell you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Happy Holidays!
Just a little reminder of what the holidays are truly about! I love this time of year!! Sure the gifts are fun, the Christmas lights are pretty, the food is yummy. But I only hope that this holiday season I will be more opt to give of myself, and look for the true meaning of Christmas this holiday season!
Monday, November 26, 2012
Pretty sure I gained 500 LBS....
No joke though Thanksgiving was filled with food. laughter. food. games. family. food. shooting guns.Santa turning on the Christmas lights.decorating.sleeping in.staying up late.and did I mention food. Seriously though I am so incredibly blessed with such a WONDERFUL family! They are all my best friends and I love when we get together, there is no one else in the world who can make me as happy as my family! I just can't wait until everyone is here, Heidi, Kyle, and Erica, then it will be a real party! Dew pong anyone!? Anyways, Thanksgiving was just what I needed...a break from reality and lots of care free fun! We were sure to keep plenty busy so I will highlight the top six of the last week! Here we go!
1. Driving home! There is no better feeling than getting in the car and knowing your next stop is HOME! That was definitely a highlight, not the driving but actually getting to go home!
2. Relaxing! Wednesday was a day of rest! I did not get ready at all, hung out with my sisters, played some wii, hung out with my Dad, decorated the outside and just relaxed! It was perfect!
3. Thanksgiving! Stuffing my face is sure a highlight! Nothing like Grandma Stockings homemade dressing, and my favorite apple pie. Pretty sure I ate enough that week to keep me full the rest of the year...
4. Shooting guns with my family! Every year my dad grows a giant pumpkin in our garden and the past couple of years a couple of my uncles and my dad get out their guns, invite the kids out to the field to shoot the pumpkin! It is becoming a fun tradition and it is pretty fun to shoot at, especially because it is pretty big and hard to miss!
5. Black friday shopping! I never have really gotten into going all night, unless there is something I really want. This year I was after movies, and a printer and I got both so I was a happy camper! Holli and I are the only ones who really enjoy it so she came with and I loved hanging out with her!
6. Christmas decorating! Day or two after Thanksgiving we always get all our Christmas decorations out and decorate! We went shopping for decor, and made the house feel like it was really Christmas!
1. Driving home! There is no better feeling than getting in the car and knowing your next stop is HOME! That was definitely a highlight, not the driving but actually getting to go home!
2. Relaxing! Wednesday was a day of rest! I did not get ready at all, hung out with my sisters, played some wii, hung out with my Dad, decorated the outside and just relaxed! It was perfect!
3. Thanksgiving! Stuffing my face is sure a highlight! Nothing like Grandma Stockings homemade dressing, and my favorite apple pie. Pretty sure I ate enough that week to keep me full the rest of the year...
4. Shooting guns with my family! Every year my dad grows a giant pumpkin in our garden and the past couple of years a couple of my uncles and my dad get out their guns, invite the kids out to the field to shoot the pumpkin! It is becoming a fun tradition and it is pretty fun to shoot at, especially because it is pretty big and hard to miss!
5. Black friday shopping! I never have really gotten into going all night, unless there is something I really want. This year I was after movies, and a printer and I got both so I was a happy camper! Holli and I are the only ones who really enjoy it so she came with and I loved hanging out with her!
6. Christmas decorating! Day or two after Thanksgiving we always get all our Christmas decorations out and decorate! We went shopping for decor, and made the house feel like it was really Christmas!
Hol dog's a pro!
me not so much ;)
Dad means business
Waiting for the printer! It was well worth the wait!
Santa Clause is comin' to town!
29 days til Christmas!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Ward Talent Show!
So our ward did a talent show this past week, and my apartment and two of our friends did the most hilarious idea, well I thought it was pretty funny! We did something called i-pod idol it is where you put ear phones in turn on a good song and then just sing. It is so so so funny! So check it out...it's pretty good if ya ask me! :]
Monday, November 12, 2012
Weekend update!
Welllllllll this past weekend was blast, as usual! I just have to say I am so blessed with such great roommates and friends! Honestly they are all so fun and we always have a blast together! I can't believe I am saying this but I don't want this semester to be over! :[ A majority of the group is peacin' out and it will surely not be as fun...but I am sure we will still make it great! Anyways back to the weekend haha! We had so so so much fun! It was random and unplanned as usual but it was still way epic! Friday night we went to dinner and then played capture the flag with nerf guns in a building on campus! It was so fun! We left our flags there seeing if anyone would take them...no one did! I was pretty excited! On Saturday night we went to something called i-cover which is pretty much people singing covers of popular songs except I realized I must not be popular because I didn't know any of the songs...but I don't think a lot of people did so I felt a little better about that. Haha, afterwords we came back to our apartment and watched Blind Side...wonderful movie! Sunday was another great day! I went to my cousins primary program and they were so stinkin cute! Made me miss primary! Then I went my church and on Sunday night we had our usual Disney movie night and we watched the saddest movie Charlie...if you haven't seen it be prepared to cry! :'[ I bawled no big deal! As usual the weekend has to end, but its always ok...another weekend is right around the corner! And hey, only one more full week of school until Thanksgiving! :]
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Happy Halloween!
Girls of 408 are sure clever! After spending two weeks trying to decide what we should be for our ward Halloween party, we came up with the perfect idea! We would dress up as a guys apartment! We are pretty good friends with this one apartment and it was PERFECT! We had people getting us clothes, my person just gave me my stuff...I said my friend wanted to dress like a cowboy and wanted to borrow his belt buckle and hat, he said of course and brought it right over! haha little did he know...haha! We spent like two hours getting ready for this thing and I am not going to lie we looked pretty good! We cut out cardboard letters and numbers that said...A P T. 1 0 1 and we each had one around our neck with a name tag that said our names! When the guys saw us they were pretty shocked, and we were feeling pretty good! After that randomly, I don't know what has gotten into me lately being so random and all, but we decided to go to this haunted house called the haunted mill. Freaking scary! I got my pants stuck, while a creep was breathing down my neck, crawled through black tunnels, was chased practically through the whole thing, and was pretty close to peeing my pants a couple of times...luckily I didn't! All in all my Halloween was pretty rad!!
Apt. 101 portrayed by Apt. 408!
Sledding/Girls night!
Wow! What an adventure this last weekend was! I am not normally a spontaneous person, I like to have a plan of what I am going to do...this last weekend was not the case at all! It was so fun, and I was so sad to see it end! Let me just take you day by day see if you can keep up! ;]
Friday:! It snowed...A LOT which = one happy Staci! Honestly walking in the snow does suck, but I still love it! Don't be fooled it is of course gone, but for the weekend it was wonderful! I only had one class on Friday and then didn't work until 3 so I had a day full of my snuggie, homework, and pandora Christmas music...judge if you must! Friday night, started out like any other...me and my friends asking what should we do...it was snowing and everyone just wanted to play in the snow! So what do we do? Decide to go sledding out in the dunes! Heck yea! It ROCKED! We went to Wal-Mart, bought random things to sled on for example an air mattress and headed off...not before getting ice-cream at thors of course! So our journey began...Roger was a trooper, my car, he trucked his way out there and only got stuck ALMOST once! We went sledding, watched a girl dance in the middle of the road...random, and made giant snow angles! After about an hour of freezing we decided to go back and find something else to do...on our way back we passed a haunted straw maze. The group decided it would be fun to go so even though we were freezing cold, we decided to check it out. Well we wanted to make sure the place was still open, because it was snowing, so we sent our guy friends to check it out...mistake #1. They come back, and I the driver, notice something following them...myself along with three other girls in the car start freaking out. Turns out the chainsaw man was following them...At one point my friend was pinching me to start driving away, while everyone else was screaming. I back out and contemplate leaving the guys or being brave and waiting...my choice was to start driving away! I didn't drive very far before the guys started running. Laughing their heads off they tell us this exact statement, "the guy looked bored so we told him there was a car full of girls up ahead and he just followed." WOW! Laughing about it the whole night we went back to our apartment, chilled and watched a classic, Sweet Home Alabama!
Saturday:! Snow was leaving and I got really sad, but its ok it is still early in the year, there is still a month or two before Christmas! Saturday was a really chill day! It consisted of no make-up, p.js all day, and watching t.v, and eating. Two of our roommates had dates, one was out of town so there was just three AWESOME girls to hang out. We decorated our apartment, built and amazing fort, got lots of junk food, did facemasks and watched a movie. What an awesome night!
I love being a college student! I want to make the most of it, because there really is no other time like this in our life time! So I better enjoy it while I can!!
Friday:! It snowed...A LOT which = one happy Staci! Honestly walking in the snow does suck, but I still love it! Don't be fooled it is of course gone, but for the weekend it was wonderful! I only had one class on Friday and then didn't work until 3 so I had a day full of my snuggie, homework, and pandora Christmas music...judge if you must! Friday night, started out like any other...me and my friends asking what should we do...it was snowing and everyone just wanted to play in the snow! So what do we do? Decide to go sledding out in the dunes! Heck yea! It ROCKED! We went to Wal-Mart, bought random things to sled on for example an air mattress and headed off...not before getting ice-cream at thors of course! So our journey began...Roger was a trooper, my car, he trucked his way out there and only got stuck ALMOST once! We went sledding, watched a girl dance in the middle of the road...random, and made giant snow angles! After about an hour of freezing we decided to go back and find something else to do...on our way back we passed a haunted straw maze. The group decided it would be fun to go so even though we were freezing cold, we decided to check it out. Well we wanted to make sure the place was still open, because it was snowing, so we sent our guy friends to check it out...mistake #1. They come back, and I the driver, notice something following them...myself along with three other girls in the car start freaking out. Turns out the chainsaw man was following them...At one point my friend was pinching me to start driving away, while everyone else was screaming. I back out and contemplate leaving the guys or being brave and waiting...my choice was to start driving away! I didn't drive very far before the guys started running. Laughing their heads off they tell us this exact statement, "the guy looked bored so we told him there was a car full of girls up ahead and he just followed." WOW! Laughing about it the whole night we went back to our apartment, chilled and watched a classic, Sweet Home Alabama!
Saturday:! Snow was leaving and I got really sad, but its ok it is still early in the year, there is still a month or two before Christmas! Saturday was a really chill day! It consisted of no make-up, p.js all day, and watching t.v, and eating. Two of our roommates had dates, one was out of town so there was just three AWESOME girls to hang out. We decorated our apartment, built and amazing fort, got lots of junk food, did facemasks and watched a movie. What an awesome night!
Girls night!
Our awesome fort!!
Thursday, October 25, 2012
This last weekend I decided to go home one last time before Thanksgiving! I can't believe I have to wait 5 weeks to go home again but hopefully it will fly by, and I will have lots of fun! Well home was just grand! I was able to work a couple hours earlier so that I could leave sooner! I was off for home! I went to my old high school's football game, where I watched my AWESOME cousin play like a champion...and I was also able to see one of my most ABSOLUTE favorite people in the entire world! Dakota! She and I have been friends for a long time but she goes to Utah State and I am in Rexburg so we never see each other, so I was so excited to see her! It was a great start to my weekend! Saturday came and we worked with my dad most of the morning and then my mom took me and my sisters shopping! It was a blast! I bought the movie Casper, for Halloween. While we watched it I pinned Christmas crafts on pinterest! I guess you could say I am a little excited for Christmas! Sunday rolled around we slept in went to church had dinner and then I made the 2 hour drive back to school! It was great weekend and I love living close enough that I can go home on the weekends!
Also I was really jealous it had been snowing everywhere, but here! But it finally snowed today! I love the snow! It always puts me in that Christmas spirit! By the way Hallmark Countdown to 25 days of Christmas movies start November 19th...just in case you were wondering! :]
Driving Home! Beautiful sunset!!!
Me and Dakota at the football game! I love this girl!!
Also I was really jealous it had been snowing everywhere, but here! But it finally snowed today! I love the snow! It always puts me in that Christmas spirit! By the way Hallmark Countdown to 25 days of Christmas movies start November 19th...just in case you were wondering! :]
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
So Saturday night was a way way way way awesome night! After doing homework all day, my roommates and some friends invited me to go to this place in IF called I-Jump It is basically a place with no floor just trampolines EVERYWHERE and 3 great big foam pits that you jump into you! We played a dodge ball game and I have never sweated so much in my life, or been so tired but my adrenaline is what kept me going and I was running up and down those tramps like it was nothing, but trust I will be feeling that "nothing" tomorrow! There were these like 7-12 year old kids doing like triple and quadruple jumps everywhere and here I am asking if anyone wants to have a bum war haha! BUT I will say I did learn to do back flips into the foam pit and then I was so close on just the tramps, I can flip but I don't land very well...luckily they are bouncy! Although I was still pretty impressed! Sadly we were to busy having fun to take any pictures, sad day! It was one of the most fun nights I have had in a long time! I tell ya it is the weekends that get me through college! :]
Thursday, October 11, 2012
What a joy!
Oh snap! School, is such a joy! haha! Actually this semester is one of the most defining semesters I have ever had. I really love it but I hate it at the same time! I don't like change, and this semester big things are changing and it is hard to adjust to but, I am grateful I can learn to have patience and enjoy this exciting time of my life.
Well this past weekend was conference and I was so excited to go home. It was the first time I had been home in 5 weeks and it was so comforting to be at home and pretend that school didn't exist. Conference was wonderful! I love hearing the talks! Here is one of my favorites that was given,CONFERENCE
They changed the age missionaries can leave for both boys and girls. Boys used to be 19 now they are 18, girls used to be 21 and are now 19. Crazy how things change but I know the Lord has a plan and this is just what needed to happen at this time in our lives.
Before I went home for conference, my little sister Holli came and stayed with me! She is so fun and over the summer her and I got really close...we were all we had haha! But really she is starting to get older and it is so fun to hang out with her! We really had a grand time!
I love my life!
Well this past weekend was conference and I was so excited to go home. It was the first time I had been home in 5 weeks and it was so comforting to be at home and pretend that school didn't exist. Conference was wonderful! I love hearing the talks! Here is one of my favorites that was given,CONFERENCE
They changed the age missionaries can leave for both boys and girls. Boys used to be 19 now they are 18, girls used to be 21 and are now 19. Crazy how things change but I know the Lord has a plan and this is just what needed to happen at this time in our lives.
Before I went home for conference, my little sister Holli came and stayed with me! She is so fun and over the summer her and I got really close...we were all we had haha! But really she is starting to get older and it is so fun to hang out with her! We really had a grand time!
Supported our ward in flag football!
Rode in the back of Katelyn's truck!
And of course ate!
I love my life!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
The Lord gives his toughest battles to his toughest soldiers
Life is such a fragile thing. It can be joyous at times and devastating at times. Drastic decisions can be made that can't be taken back. It is hard to think that one day you think everything is great and the next everything can be taken right from under you. My sister, Heidi and her husband Kyle and his family, just suffered a devastating loss. Kyle's brother Cody sadly passed away at the young age of 17. Although I only knew Cody for a short moment in time, it was evident to see what a remarkable young man he was and is. I remember visiting Heidi in Alaska not even two months ago and there he was, as friendly and kind as you could be. He was taking some pictures for us right before we left, cracking jokes and making us all laugh. He was a great young man and will surely be missed. My prayers go out to the De Vaney family, cousins, aunts, uncles, and anyone who knew Cody. He was certainly a young man with so much potential, who lived such a short life. It breaks my heart to think of his family suffering, because, I know his family and what wonderful people they are. They are certainly a family that doesn't deserve to go through such an awful thing, no family is. It just makes me SO grateful for the plan of salvation and the knowledge I have that families can be together forever!
~In loving memory, Cody De Vaney
"Our beautiful son, brother, grandson, uncle & friend has passed on into the arms of his Savior, Jesus Christ. He will be loved eternally and missed until the day we are reunited and can hold him in our arms again.
Cody Mitchell De Vaney was born September 16, 1995. He had a heart of gold and always had a very loving and tender heart. Cody was passionate about cars. He helped build and race tw
~In loving memory, Cody De Vaney
"Our beautiful son, brother, grandson, uncle & friend has passed on into the arms of his Savior, Jesus Christ. He will be loved eternally and missed until the day we are reunited and can hold him in our arms again.
Cody Mitchell De Vaney was born September 16, 1995. He had a heart of gold and always had a very loving and tender heart. Cody was passionate about cars. He helped build and race tw
o stock cars with his dad, brothers and grandpa. He was looking forward to attending a vocational college where he could continue his automotive passion. He also loved the Alaskan outdoors where he could enjoy his second passion, snowboarding.
Cody’s parents, Laura & Darren, brothers & sisters, Kyle, Lyssa, Dean & Brooke, sister & brother in law, Heidi & Aaron, niece, Skye, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins & friends are heart broken.
We look forward to the day when we will meet Cody again and be able to wrap him in the arms of our love. Cody, we love you. God be with you ‘till we meet again."
Cody’s parents, Laura & Darren, brothers & sisters, Kyle, Lyssa, Dean & Brooke, sister & brother in law, Heidi & Aaron, niece, Skye, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins & friends are heart broken.
We look forward to the day when we will meet Cody again and be able to wrap him in the arms of our love. Cody, we love you. God be with you ‘till we meet again."
Saturday, September 29, 2012
College life!
Oh college life...such a horrible, wonderful, painful, exciting time! Seriously though, during the week I feel like I want to die...but then the weekends come and make it all worth it! It has been super busy with tons of homework, work, classes, etc. That the weekends seem like forever! Monday is so far from Friday, but Friday is so close to Monday! Well at least I have had some pretty awesome weekends to make up for it!
I have done a lot of really fun crazy stuff...but last night was for sure one of the funnest nights I have had in a long time! We went to dinner in Idaho Falls and were wondering what we could do the rest of the night when someone came up with the idea of a water balloon flour fight! It was GENIUS! We went to wal-mart got supplies and decided we wanted to invite our awesome FHE brothers, but we purposely only told them it was only a flour fight and when they came over we would ambush them with water-balloons...this is how it went down!
Our water-balloons were split up, Alex and Melissa went to the second floor with a couple bowls full of water-balloons. Emma and I hid behind a car with a majority of the water-balloons. The plan was Alex and Melissa would hit them right as they come to our door and then Emma and I would come up behind them and hit them real good....well our plan didn't exactly work out! We didn't expect the boys to come behind Emma and I cake us with flour and then take our water-balloons! It was an unexpected fail! But none-the-less we still had so much fun!
Here is the proof we had a blast!!
I have done a lot of really fun crazy stuff...but last night was for sure one of the funnest nights I have had in a long time! We went to dinner in Idaho Falls and were wondering what we could do the rest of the night when someone came up with the idea of a water balloon flour fight! It was GENIUS! We went to wal-mart got supplies and decided we wanted to invite our awesome FHE brothers, but we purposely only told them it was only a flour fight and when they came over we would ambush them with water-balloons...this is how it went down!
Our water-balloons were split up, Alex and Melissa went to the second floor with a couple bowls full of water-balloons. Emma and I hid behind a car with a majority of the water-balloons. The plan was Alex and Melissa would hit them right as they come to our door and then Emma and I would come up behind them and hit them real good....well our plan didn't exactly work out! We didn't expect the boys to come behind Emma and I cake us with flour and then take our water-balloons! It was an unexpected fail! But none-the-less we still had so much fun!
Here is the proof we had a blast!!
It was definitely a night to remember!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
New blog!
Ok so I have decided to, attempt, to have another blog. This blog is more of my spiritual, life-history, boring stuff...haha, no but I want to keep it like another journal more for my posterity to know who I am, where I come from...so check it out if you want if not thats ok because in the words of Gloria Gaynor, I Will Survive!
Have a great day!
P.S It is linked on the side of this blog!
Have a great day!
P.S It is linked on the side of this blog!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Country Dancin'
I have decided I
need some cowgirl boots and a flannel shirt! There is country dancing
every Wednesday night and last night I went for the first time and had SO
much fun! I have no idea what I am doing but I still love it!
Here is the group
that all went with us! It was so fun...everyone dances with everyone and we all
just have fun!
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