Ok so so far finals have not been to awful, but it is still early in the week so it could easily go either way. General conference was a great break from reality. I feel really blessed to have the gospel in my life, it seems like every time conference comes around is when I need the guidance and council of those called of God. Needless to say it was a great couple of days full of spiritual uplifting! On a different note, my sister Erica has been called to serve a mission in South Carolina in May. This has been a tough adjustment for me because we are really close. But we have had a lot of fun together this semester and I feel even closer to her than before. So our favorite thing to do in the Summer's is go to our family cabin in Island Park. Since Erica won't be able to join us on these annual vacations, Heidi and I decided to surprise her and drive up good old Ashton Hill to our favorite place. We told her that we were going to go see the Hunger Games because Heidi and Kyle hadn't seen it yet. She was so excited once she figured out what we were doing...It was a fun surprise! We went to dinner at Pond's Lodge and drove around and even saw a moose! It was meant to be for sure! Erica was surprised we were excited to take her for her last time! I love my family, they are all my best friends and I am so glad we can be together forever!

Cabin Road...too snowy to get in...Can't wait for Summer!
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