Alaska was so much fun! It is really indescribable of how beautiful and peaceful Alaska is. On one side there are mountains and green valleys and on the other side you have the ocean and glaciers! Quite breathtaking! We left on August 8th and came back August 16th. My sister, Heidi, married, Kyle who is from Alaska. They drove to Alaska the week about their journey here They had a reception in Homer, where they're from and where we stayed, so we all, including grandma Stocking got to go! The only one who wasn't there and who would have loved it the most was Erica! Although she did pop in for a few pictures haha! Anyways the trip was very busy, but tons of fun! We went fishing, went to a wildlife refuge, as well as a sea life center. We went on hikes, went to a Russian village, went to a stock race where Kyle took second place! We ate lots of delicious fish, and went shopping some more! This is just some of what we did! You're only in Alaska once...hopefully we can go back again! :] Here are a few pictures from the trip but honestly they don't do the beautiful state justice!

My first plane ride...I liked it!
Portage Glacier...that green mountain is NOT the glacier
Erica popped in!
Welcome to Alaska!
Griz eating a Salmon...nbd
Seward Sea Life Center
Homers, Farmers market
Kyle Stock Racing...which I thought was way awesome! They fix up old cars and race them!
There was dirt flying everywhere at the races!
Exit Glacier
So beautiful!
A whale we saw while fishing!
Fishing was a blast! We caught mostly halibut and a few salmon! SO FUN!
At the beach!
The house we stayed in! It was GORGEOUS with an AWESOME view!
Anchorage, Alaska Temple!
The whole crew, from left to right, Me, Heidi, Kyle, Dad, Mom, Grandma, Shawna, and Holli. We lost Erica at this point... :(
It was the hardest vaca. to say goodbye to! Hopefully we can go again!!
1 comment:
YOU ARE AWESOME!! haha I loved this and the Erika thing made me laugh...hard :) It looks like you had fun! I am so glad...the pictures look gorgeous..of course I'm talking about the ones with you in them! haha but really it looks like you had a blast :)
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