Man oh man! This weekend was surely one that I thoroughly enjoyed! All of my sisters came home, except for Erica of course who is serving a mission in South Carolina, and it was so fun! Friday night was a night filled with laughter and good times. We have this little family that lives right across the street from us with a few kids that like to come over and visit...mostly just jump on our trampoline or get a popsicle ...but there is one little boy is who so stinking cute it is hard to get over it! His name is Kyson and he is 3 years old. He came over to say hi and Heidi asked him to pack all of his baby sister Adley's clothes so Heidi can take her home...kidding of course. When he quickly said no Heidi returned with well you can come too then, and she encouraged him not to tell his mom...again kidding of course...but Kyson said of course and we didn't expect to see him again for a while seeing as how either 1. he would get distracted and go play, or 2. his mom would catch what he was doing and stop him. Well 15 minutes later his soft little knock was at the door and he had a suitcase full of clothes...all his clothes pretty sure...and he was ready to go. When we asked where Adley's clothes were he said oh I don't really want her to come anymore. Once he realized what was happening he quickly backed out too. It was the highlight of our night we were laughing so hard!

Let me just introduce to you the BEST Mom in the world! This woman has been my best friend since I can remember. I am not at all ashamed to admit that I am exactly like my mother! We both share a love of organizing, deep cleaning, and throwing things away! She is such an awesome mom and I would be lucky to be half the mom she is one day! I'm 20 years old and I still need her, probably more than ever. She's the only one who can calm me down, and help me think things through! She is such an awesome person in general!
I love you Mom!!
We also got to skype with Sister Browning today! She sounded great and is still loving her mission! It was awesome to hear how she's doing in person! Emails are great but it's just not the same as hearing their voice! She is so awesome and is such a great example to me! Next time we talk will be in person!!! November can't come quick enough!
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