Monday, December 19, 2011

.:Nothing Better!:.

Okay so after a long long long week of finals and semester, I just couldn't wait to get home and do absolutely NOTHING!!! My very first semester was an awesome one, but no one can deny that it takes a lot out of you, mentally! This weekend I was kinda busy but I told myself that today I wouldn't do anything!! So this is what my day has consisted of so far:
  I woke up around 9:30 ate some breakfast and laid on the couch alternating between rooms. Yup that is it! I am not even embarrassed that I haven't changed out of my pajamas or brushed my teeth! So if you want to come visit....don't come today you will be disgusted! Hope everyone has at least one day this Christmas break of nothing! It really is wonderful! 
~Happy holidays!

Friday, December 16, 2011

.:Great friends are difficult to find, hard to leave, but impossible to forget!:.

This is TRULY how I feel about my first semester roommates! Seriously how did I get SO lucky to have such awesome roommates? They truly made my first semester of college something I will NEVER forget! I will go one by one and introduce you all to the amazing people I lived with:

- Ok so let's start with my roommate Sara! Sara seriously rocks my socks! I loved having her as my roommate! She is so caring and so sweet! She def. looked out for others and was always willing to put others first, and who can forget her AMAZING popcorn! Sara will be my neighbor next semester, so I am sure I will see her around, but I will never have a 1st room-roommate again and like she always says she made it..."a great one!"

- Makayla!!! Oh goodness what can I say about Makayla! She was sooooooo fun to live with! She is seriously one of the most considerate people I know! Even though she procrastinated maybe a little to much, she was always determined to get her homework done! Even if that meant getting up at 4 in the morning to do it! Haha but I loved talking with her late at night about nothing and laughing our heads off taking pictures on her Mac! Sadly she won't be here next semester! But come next Fall it will be a party!

- Lizzy, Liz, Elizabeth AKA: One of the COOLEST chicks I know! I thought I was clean! Haha we were lucky to have someone who cared enough to always make sure our little apt. look presentable. Whether it was with cute decor, or even just making sure the apt. felt like a home! She is such an amazing girl, and I couldn't imagine my 1st semester without her! She always wanted to watch Hallmark movies with me even when no one else would! What can I say... she's a gem!

- Natalie!!! I don't think I have ever met someone so determined to do their best in my ENTIRE life! This girl means business! But she defiantly knows how to have fun! She had the most hilarious quotes on our famous quote wall for sure! She was so witty and always made me laugh! Her temporary obsession with movies, or t.v shows never got old, because she would get everyone else hooked on them too! She pretty much ROCKS!!

- Jacqueline: AKA: Sue! HAHAHAHA! What can I say about this girl except she ALWAYS made everyone bust up laughing! Life was never dull with her around! She made the semester fun and exciting with her crazy ideas and personality! I feel like she and I were a lot alike and that is why we got along so well! She was always including everyone in our little adventures and took us for scary rides around the round about and let me shift in her car! She pretty much ruled!

Well thats all of them! I became very close to all of them in different ways, and it was bittersweet saying goodbye! I will miss them all so much! I will never have1st semester roommates again... and you guys made it a memorable one! Thanks girls I love you all! 

Here are just a few of my favorite things of the semester!
Mud Mayhem ( Me, Makayla, Lizzy)

Jacqueline & Natalie

Oh Jacqueline!

Natalie and Makayla at her finest!

The adorable Sara!

We are to cool! 

This is what we do when we should be doing homework!

One of our FAVORITE SNL skits! Good times! 

Monday, December 12, 2011

.:Those Were The Days:.

I have been thinking a lot lately about when I was a kid and how simple life was. The days when.......

  • All you had to worry about was who you were going to play with on the playground
  • The days when boys had cooties
  • The times when your favorite shows were Hey Arnold, or Rugrats
  • It was so cool to have barbies and all the accessories
  • Mom and Dad would threaten to call Santa Clause if you were naughty
  • Racing on your bike was the ultimate thing to do
  • You would much rather go outside to play rather than watch t.v.
  • But most importantly when life was a fairy tale and your dreams always came true!
Now this made me really sad as I was writing it, how I wish I could still be young and innocent but then I think about how awesome it is to be in college and experience things I never would have experienced if I stayed little forever. Or grow and learn so many new things and have the ability to remember all of these memories from When I was a kid! I love growing but there are still times, and I know everyone has them, when you wish things would just go back to when life was a piece of cake and you had no cares in the world.
Those were the days........

Thursday, December 1, 2011

It's Official!

Ok people I do not know who realized this or not, but I sure did! Today is December 1st! It is officially Christmas season!!!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!! So I am excited for several reasons......
1. The semester is coming to an end
2. Christmas movies....(especially Hallmark)
3. I get to see my family
4. Santa Clause is real
5. The magic of Christmas
6. Hot cocoa
7. Presents
8. Christmas music
9. Decorating
10 The awesome food!
All in all I love the season and yes I am 18 and yes I do believe in Santa, I believe in the magic of Christmas and miracles! Remember the best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear!
~ Happy Holidays

Sunday, November 27, 2011

.:as of late.

Well as of late, I have been slacking on blogging.  I guess I should catch you all up on my super exciting life, not! Haha, but life has been rather busy! Last time I blogged was when I was simply enjoying life! I was doing great, and don't get me wrong life is still great but just a little busier than I would like! But that's life I guess.... School is exceptionally busy! I feel like teachers think we are only taking their class so they pile on the homework thinking we have all the time in the world to do it. Along with that it was the week before Thanksgiving and so my motivation level was somewhere between -4 and 0! Such is life! I made it through those dreadful three weeks and finally got to go home for longer than two days! It was wonderful! We stuffed our face, watched One Tree Hill all week, saw Santa turn on the Christmas lights, and spent lots of time with family! I love going home! It is almost harder for me to leave after going home to visit than it was to move out for college. I just get so comfortable and happy that when I have to leave it is really hard for me, and I always hate it! But luckily I am going home again in three weeks and it will be wonderful! Especially because it will be Christmas!!! I love Christmas our apt. is decked out in Christmas decor, our house is all lit up I have the Michael Bluble, Justin Bieber Christmas cd's, and I LOVE it!! So all in all I just need to stay strong for three more weeks finish the semester out strong, stay off of facebook, and then I can go home with no stress, no homework and lots of relaxation! I just can't wait... I can do it! I can do it! I CAN DO IT!!!
P.S. I feel like this is a great way to vent my feelings so I'm sorry! :]

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Love Life!

This weekend has been one I will never forget. I have had such an AMAZING weekend, all of which I loved! So on Friday night, I went to Heidi's apartment and watched a movie when it began to SNOW!!! I am usually not to excited for snow this early, but I freaked out! It was so pretty! So my roomate and I decided to go document the first snow fall of the season by taking a bunch of pictures! Then on Saturday morning my ward was doing Temple Baptisms. I love the Rexburg temple it is so pretty and it reminds me a lot of the one in Twin Falls which makes me feel like I am at home. So my roommates and I woke up at 5:00 to go to the temple at 6:00 AM. We got back about 7:30 and no body said anything but good night! It felt so good to sleep for a few hours and not worry about anything else. I woke up made myself a delicious breakfast and decided I was going to get all my homework done that afternoon. So I made my roomate change my facebook password and I said I wasn't going to come out of my room until 2:00 when a really good Halmark Christmas movie was going to be on! I did it; which doesn't happen very often. I got all my homework done by two and got to watch my movie! That night was the first session of our stake conference. Our stake president is President Henry J. Eyring, President Henry B. Eyring's son. It was so so so good! I was just on a spiritual high that day! After conference my sister Heidi, her roomates Alex, and Emma, me, and my roomates Lizzy and Natalie all went to dinner at Wingers....DELICOUS! We all ate way to much and felt so sick after, but it was great. That night I grabbed a snuggy curled up on the couch watched the snow fall and put in Christmas With the Kranks, a Christmas favorite. It was AWESOME! On Sunday daylight savings began, made a HUGE difference in my night. I now realize how much I took sleep for granted in high school. In college I am barely alive by Friday so that extra hour made a huge difference and is going to continue to! Sunday morning we woke up and went to the second session of stake conference and again it was wonderful! We came home and my roomates and I made homemade pizza and Heidi's roomates made breadsticks and cookies and it was delicious. Now I am sitting in my room, I just got off the phone with my family and I began to feel sorry for myself wanting to be home and with them. Then I just realized how much of an amazing weekend I had, and if I were home none of this would have happened! I am so so so grateful to be up here at BYU-I and have one of my best friends live just next door! I am seriously the luckiest girl! I love my life right now and I wouldn't want to change a thing! 'Tis the season! : ]

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

It may be a little early.......

It may be a little early but I CAN'T stop thinking about how excited I am for Christmas! All I can think about is Santa turning on the lights on the Square, snow storms, the movie Elf, Hallmark Christmas movies, and of course the true meaning of Christmas! I honestly am not thinking about all the presents, I just love the spirit of Christmas and the love it brings! So here are a few of my favorite memories of Christmas growing up!

1. When I was 10 we lived in the country and on Christmas morning we went outside and saw a herd of reindeer, as my dad called them! I was so worried about Santa because I knew he needed his reindeer to fly and I was just so worried he wrecked and the reindeer ran away, but rest assured my parents explained those weren't Santa's real reindeer just ones he has keep an eye on us to see if we were naughty or nice.

2. When I was about 8 Holli was 2, I remember getting a barbie dream house and Holli wanted it so she took it and ran away with it, I cried and Holli cried because I tried to take it back from her, defiantly the most dramatic Christmas I can remember.

3. Just this last two Christmas's my sister Heidi was on a mission and the Christmas spirit was so neat and was defiantly something I won't ever forget.

4. Every Christmas Eve we get to open one present and it is ALWAYS Christmas P.J.'s and I most defiantly wear them year round!

5. And last but not least what makes every Christmas one you will never forget? Your FAMILY! I love mine and I am so thankful to have them here with me! They make the season that much more memorable, it doesn't matter where we are, how many presents we get, or who got what all that matters is that we are together and I love it!

This blog post is def. a little cheesy, but hey what else are the holidays for? <3

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Life in the fall.....

Let me just say I love Fall! Every time a new season rolls around I am always so excited for it to come! It doesn't matter what season it is I love them all! So basically this last weekend I went home... much needed! I love going home! When I was little I used to beg my dad to let us go to a hotel whenever we were driving home from somewhere late at night and he would always say without fail, sure lets go to the Browning Inn. I had no idea what that meant all I thought of was a hotel...(now I get it) When we would pull into the driveway at home, I would always be so depressed we were home! Now days I can't wait to go home! I just love the comfort at being home in your own bed, don't get me wrong I love college! But nothing beats going home! Here are just a few things I love about fall and going home!
  I love this girl! She is growing up way to fast! She is my only little sister and I love teasing her but I also love saying she is my favorite little sister!

My mom has always got the cutest decorations for fall!

This is baby Sassy! Our moms sixth daughter as we like to call her! I missed her even though it took twenty mins. to get this good of pic. (its not that good still) it was well worth it!

This is a tree outside the Benson building! Just to prove Fall is well here and it is beautiful!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sister Dalton inspired me!!

Ok so today we had our weekly devotional, and they are always sooooo good! Today was especially neat because Sister Elaine S. Dalton came and spoke, she is the General Young Woman's President. It was so neat and the spirit was really strong. She talked a lot about stepping out of our comfort zone and developing our talents and being more willing to try new things in order to develop those talents! This really inspired me and I thought to myself, I needed this! All I do every night is homework or hang out at Heidi's apartment, I never do anything not related to school! So I am informing the blogging world that I made a goal this semester to be more social and make new friends, even though I am not very shy this to me would still be considered stepping out of my comfort zone because I am only adapted to the homework part of school not the social life so I am going to do my best to invite people to do things and hopefully I can fulfill this goal and develop more of the talents Heavenly Father has blessed me with! Wish me luck! :]

Sunday, October 9, 2011

1st of many!

Well hello bloggers! I have jumped on and started blogging! The whole time I was designing this thing I loved every minute of it! I can now see how people spend so much time on here, it is so fun!  Well I will just recap up to now the top ten most influential, important, exciting things that have happened since I entered this world.
1. I was born March 15, 1993
2. I was baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints at age 8
3. I made it through grade school, middle school and high school
4. I lost one of my best friends: Grandma Browning
5. I graduated high school and moved to BYU-I (first semester)
6. I live next to one of my best friends, my sister Heidi
7. I am studying not only boys at college but my school work as well
8. I love talking to my family more than anything in the world
9. I also love talking to my Heavenly Father more than anything else in the world
10. I love growing and learning knew things
So there you have it a quick 10 step recap of my life up to now! I hope you enjoy this and if nothing else, I hope my future posterity can look to this to learn about me and what I stand for! Enjoy!