Monday, April 30, 2012

On public facilities...

I was around thirteen years old when I developed a phobia of public bathrooms. My family was on our way home from Island Park one time and our car broke down. We called the police to come take us to a gas station while we figured things out, which happened to be one we stopped at regularly on our way home from our vacations in Island Park. Well this particular gas station is not the cleanest but we were willing to sacrifice, well lets just say spending three hours at that gas station changed my view forever on public bathrooms. I was kinda shocked when I saw people use the bathroom who easily looked as if they hadn't showered in was kind of sketchy. Well this past weekend my phobia was proven to be worth. We went shopping in Utah and the bathroom in the mall had three stalls one of which a group of girls were all in which I thought was extremely strange. I glanced at the cleaning log noticing no one had checked it for a good four hours and it was disgusting. I didn't know what to do, do I just hold it, hold my breath, suck it up it was a tough call that I had to make in a matter of seconds. I guess you could say I have matured a little bit because I sucked it up, it wasn't easy but I did it! I don't know what it is but sometimes when I see hand soap that you have to pump yourself, sinks that you have to turn on and off by yourself just gross me out. When the garbage is far away from the door I always kick it over by the door because the thought of touching a door handle without a paper towel to cover my hand gives me chills, so I feel as if I am doing people a favor when I move the garbage. This is just one of my major phobias that I don't think I will ever get over. So be smart always carry, germ ex, and disposable never know.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh Glozell No!

Me and my sister love this lady on YouTube, her name is Glozell and she is stinking hilarious! This is our favorite one by far! Call us crazy but we die laughing every time we watch her! Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Spring in my step!

Ok so I am convinced that it is finally Spring! For everyone else around the world Spring starts on March 21, for Idaho it comes at the end of April! But at least it came! Saturday was a beautiful day and all we did was worked in the yard! It was so nice and refreshing! If anyone knows me they know I love to be organized and Spring cleaning is my favorite! I can tell this is going to be an awesome Summer! 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday nights

Ok so I will be the first person to admit I am most likely the lamest person on this planet. As a matter of fact it is Friday night and what I am I doing...blogging! Well now don't get me wrong I love being home and not having homework, or any responsibilities for that matter but there are times I sit and think ya know, maybe I should actually try a craft off of Pintrest instead of imagine it in my dream house that I also created on Pintrest, what a coincidence ;) Fridays are not what they once were to me in high school, a year ago I was a senior in high school living the best life! No worries, just having fun! Now my Fridays consist of blogging, pintresting, Facebook stalking people who have awesome Friday nights, and watching reality shows on exciting eh? I know I just need to make it til Summer and things will get better, at least that is what I like to tell myself but who knows my bucket list with my 13 year old sister is looking pretty promising! :)

Friday, April 13, 2012

Jack Bauer is my hero!

I am seriously addicted to this t.v show called 24 and to sum it up it is AMAZING! I have finished a season on Netflix in two days...there are 8 seasons I guess I better keep going! It is about this guy, Jack Bauer who works for CTU, Counter Terrorist Unit in LA. When terrorist situations come up it goes to these brilliant people, especially the really bad ones. Well Jack is like the main boss and even though he is fired at the end of every season for breaking federal laws he is always temporarily reinstated because, well no one can quite live up to the challenge like Jack can! The show will for example start at 8:00 AM and then every episode will be the next hour until it is 8:00 AM again, so if your good at math you will know there are 24 episodes in one season...pretty clever I'd say! Well anyways I am just enlightening anyone who reads this of two things. 1. 24 is the most incredible show ever created. 2. Don't ever watch it because you will get addicted,  you will not want to shut off the TV for 24 hours, and you will spend your entire day believing you are in the field with them saving lives and well actually your not! 
                                                       You have been warned! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Man was Dorothy right!

There is NO place like home! I LOVE being home, although I am sure at the end of the Summer I will be thinking different but for right now I am going to milk it for all it I can, free laundry, free food and so much more! Today I moved home from college and boy was I excited to get home especially since it SNOWED in Rexburg yesterday and I had to go to the farthest building on campus at seven in the morning to take a dumb final in a blizzard...thank goodness for parking passes is all I have to say. And what is the weather like when I come home...BEAUTIFUL! It is like it was meant to be! I love home!
                         I mean who wouldn't want to live here?!?! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

Wish it didn't end!

Ok so so far finals have not been to awful, but it is still early in the week so it could easily go either way. General conference was a great break from reality. I feel really blessed to have the gospel in my life, it seems like every time conference comes around is when I need the guidance and council of those called of God. Needless to say it was a great couple of days full of spiritual uplifting! On a different note, my sister Erica has been called to serve a mission in South Carolina in May. This has been a tough adjustment for me because we are really close. But we have had a lot of fun together this semester and I feel even closer to her than before. So our favorite thing to do in the Summer's is go to our family cabin in Island Park. Since Erica won't be able to join us on these annual vacations, Heidi and I decided to surprise her and drive up good old Ashton Hill to our favorite place. We told her that we were going to go see the Hunger Games because Heidi and Kyle hadn't seen it yet. She was so excited once she figured out what we were doing...It was a fun surprise! We went to dinner at Pond's Lodge and drove around and even saw a moose! It was meant to be for sure! Erica was surprised we were excited to take her for her last time! I love my family, they are all my best friends and I am so glad we can be together forever! 

Cabin Road...too snowy to get in...Can't wait for Summer!