Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Summer wrap up!

This last week Holli and I went to Utah to visit our sister Shawna who was moving apartments. We helped her move and in return she showed us a great time! 

We left Sunday after church and once we got there we realized we didn't have an air pump for our air mattress so we headed to Wal-Mart. Shawna may have parked a little too close to a mini-van because when we came out our car was a little messed with! The wind-shield wipers were flipped around, the rear-view mirrors were turned inside and we just thought, "that is what we get for going to Wal-Mart on Sunday!" I thought I had a picture but I think my phone died right as I took the pictures, so your imagination will just have to do! 

Monday morning we decided to go for a hike! We hiked to this place called Donut Falls! It was such a fun hike!  The falls we hiked to came through what looks like a donut hole, hence the name "donut falls". It was really cold but really to go in! After words we began packing and cleaning her apartment. 

After we finished our cousin Lisa invited us over for a hot dog roast, and s'mores! It was so fun! It was a pretty eventful night but I'll talk more about that later! We watched TV, played hide and go seek, and just hung out it was really fun! 
Emma loves my sister Shawna, and when it was time to leave she did not want her to go! She hung onto her leg all around the house and when we went to take a picture she posed like this haha! She is sure a cute girl! 

Tuesday I had an interview for a job so we spent most of that day packing and cleaning again. 
Tuesday night we went to the Drive-In movie which was really fun because I've never gone to a drive-in before! 

Wednesday we moved all of Shawna's stuff into her new apartment! That was a lot of work! She lived on the third floor so moving everything up was quite a workout but it was all very worth it! 

Thursday we cleaned her old apartment all morning and then went to Seven Peaks all afternoon! Going to Seven Peaks really made all the hard work worth it! It was so much fun! 
All week Shawna had been talking about this place called the MovieGrille. It's basically just what it says, except you sit in the most luscious and cozy recliners, they bring you a menu and you order dinner and watch a movie! So after Seven Peaks we decided we would not have another chance for a while to go so we thought what the heck! We left Seven Peaks at 6:00, and the movie started at 7:10. It took and hour to get there and we had no change of clothes! So we made a quick trip to walmart to buy a change of sweats and some blankets and then we were off to the movie in our swimsuits! It was sure an adventure, but sitting in those chairs made up for it! It was honestly the only way I want to ever watch a movie again! So wonderful! 

Friday we packed up and headed home! It was a really fun and exciting week! 

So the interview that I went in for was for a job in Arizona! There is a resort called Jacob Lake about 45 mins from the Grand Canyon. My sister Erica is doing an internship there and they needed some more help and one thing led to another and I decided to defer a semester and go have an adventure! I am so stinking nervous but the way everything just fell into place I know it is what I need to be doing! We leave next week and it's coming a lot faster than I anticipated but it will be a great experience and I am excited to not have any homework for a while!