Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Jacob Lake So Far.....

Internet is very limited so I'm not able to post as much so this is a wrap up of the last month for Erica and I! 

Jacob Lake is located about 45 minutes from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. We are about 1.5 hours from St. George! The weeks go by like days but the days are like weeks! We never know our schedule until the day before so life is really unpredictable but I've had to learn to be ok with that! We are well into our fourth week here at Jacob lake and I can certainly tell this is going to be an amazing experience for both Erica and I. I can also honestly say I would not be able to do this if Erica was not here! We are having so much fun and meeting so many new people! I think it will be harder to leave here than it was to come! 
To be quite honest....
When we first arrived I cried! I saw what the place looked like and I thought to myself I am living at girls camp for the next four months! But luckily it has not been nearly as bad as I anticipated or first thought! Sure the living conditions are not my favorite but the experience and adventure we get to have makes up for all the rest!

Jacob Lake has certainly been an adventure! most nights consist of bon fires, ultimate frisbee or watching movies. 

Ok so my job is in the Gift shop, and I LOVE IT! I really did not expect to come into this job and catch on so fast, and feel as comfortable as I do. My bosses are so nice and patient when we make mistakes and I am learning so much about the Native American Culture that I never would have even cared to learn about before. It's amazing how much talent and skill they have to create the art that they do! Let's just say it's pretty cool!

So like I said life is pretty unpredictable, you never really know when your going to be off or what shift you are working next. But luckily Erica and I were able to have our first few days off together. We went to the Grand Canyon, explored St. George, and relaxed! 

Day by day it feels like we are in the Groundhog Day movie, we do the same thing! But at the same time it's an adventure and I always think to myself how glad I am that I did this! I am making the best memories and taking advantage of this time in my life and I am so happy about that! 

Rain storms always bring out the prettiest side of Arizona! 

(We had a 1920's dress up party)

Cabin Trip 2014!

My family did our annual big trip to the cabin the first week of August! It was a great trip and we always leave more anxious for the next year to come! We started our trip out by heading into Yellowstone to have dinner and then go to the IMAX to see Disney Bears! It was adorable and I would totally see it again! 

The next day Erica, Holli, My dad and myself headed into the park around 5:30 ish AM! We were on a bear hunt and came up short with only seeing a couple but the memories we made make up for the lack of wild animals! We also went to The Top of The World! It was so pretty! 

We met the rest of my family for the traditional picnic in the park and continued on to find hundreds of thousands of buffalo and a few bull elk! 

The next day we went to the lake and played around. We went paddle boarding, went boating and just had fun! This is something that we will surely do again! It was so much fun and was a different adventure for us to do. 

The next day was a relaxing one! Some of us floated the river, some just watched movies and read, and some went for rides! These days tend to be my favorite because it's just wonderful to actually relax on a vacation rather than a busy busy schedule! 

The trip came to an end and we sadly had to say good-bye to Hyle for four months because Erica and were on our way to work in Arizona! 

Life has so far been great...really busy but really great too!