Sunday, September 29, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans!

This past weekend was a blast! I seriously LOVE my roommates! They are just what I was hoping for this semester and I couldn't be more excited for the rest of the semester!

Friday night we planned for a big group to go to I-Jump in Idaho Falls, we were so excited and then at last minute everyone bailed! We were bummed but decided we would still go! It was the most fun I have had in so long! It was just our apartment and we were practically the only ones there! It was so fun! We really bonded as an apartment and since then we have been really close!

** If you feel so inclined go ahead and watch a pathetic attempt at a front flip! It is really dark...but you can see my glowing shirt! 

Saturday I went to Island Park with Hyle to do some work on the cabin and the scenery was beautiful! I am beginning to love Fall more and more every year! It was breathtaking and these pictures don’t even do it justice!

Saturday night a big group was going to the Straw Maze and so we decided to join along with them! It was really fun…not gonna lie I get pretty frustrated in those things, but I still had fun! Our group was the first ones to get out and then they had a bunch of games and stuff for us to play while we waited…watching was way more entertaining!

Have a great week! :)

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Holy moly am I behind!

Holy cow! This semester is only two weeks into and I can barely keep up! I can tell this is going to be a busy semester, but I know it is going to be a good one! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all my roommates! Seriously we were meant to be put together! I have never laughed so hard at 1 in the morning! It is only the second week of school and we are already best of friends! The first weekend of school was pretty entertaining! Friday night we went to a block party at this place called Sammy's. They do this every fall and have live bands come and free stuff its pretty fun! 

Saturday was a day for homework but Saturday night was a night for partying! The crossroads was broadcasting the BYU vs. U of U game...go figure there are a lot of BYU fans at BYU-I haha! We stayed until about half-time and then a bunch of kids were going out to the sand dunes to have a bon-fire! There was a pretty large group and this 12 passenger van was going out! A couple of my roommates thought hey lets just get in and it'll all be fine...well we climb into the back where there are no seats just mattresses and about 15 was a little sketch! But hey we were still thinking oh this is an awesome idea! We make it out to the dunes and the girl driving gets stuck immediately in the sand...luckily there were a ton of guys to get us unstuck! We had our bon fire and started to head back! We climb in the van and the girl thinks it is a good idea to go 67 in a 50 MPH zone with well over 20 kids in the van! She passed a cop and he immediately flips around and says I need to know how many are not wearing a seat-belt but I need to run your registration first. The cop is gone for about 20 mins. and of course I am thinking of  the worst things that can happen, getting arrested, losing my license- even though I wasn't the one driving, and so on when the cop comes back he tells the girl it is your lucky computer is down so you just get a warning! Holy cow that girl is a lucky one...and I vowed to NEVER ride in the back of a van like that the moment I wasn't thinking but then I thought about how dumb that was and all that could have happened! Someone was certainly looking out for us! 

Today we were able to have Elder D. Todd Christofferson for devotional and it was so cool! Having an apostle in the same room is certainly humbling and the Spirit is amazing! Also Heidi and I went to Pizza Pie and they messed up her lid...we thought it was funny! I promise to be better with blogging!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Working, Birthday, Blackfoot Fair!

So my dad hired me to do some work on the farm for him...mostly just clean up! I love working with my dad on the farm, we were out to my grandma Browning's old house, really weird to say that, and we were fixing up hand lines, burning weeds, moving equipment around and lots of hard work! It felt good!
I was pretty proud of this backing up job I did, backing a trailer up is not easy!

Sunday was my Grandma Stocking's birthday! I sure love her! I know I get my anxiousness from her, but I love her anyways!

Monday my family and I went to the Blackfoot Fair! It is something I have never been to before and I was excited to see how much bigger it is compared to little Rupert, Idaho's fair! Sadly it rained the ENTIRE day, but we all agreed we would rather rain than the heat. But it was still way fun...we went to the Indian Relay Races and I can honestly say that is one of the coolest things I have ever seen! Indians hop on bareback and ride a lap and then jump off their horse and jump onto another horse and race another lap...they do that 2 or 3 times and its such an adrenalin rush! Ironically when we were sitting under cover was the only time the rain stopped but it was still ok! We had a lot of fun just going and trying something new! They had these huge Clydesdale horses...they were pretty neat! They also had giant pumpkins! I guess everything is bigger up there!

Fun Fact: Holli and I have a birthmark in the exact same spot...on our right foot, left side of our heel!