Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!

This past weekend was so fun! It was the first weekend of summer for Holli and it was a four day weekend for me! It was pretty wonderful! Saturday wasn't anything to exciting mostly because it rained all day and we had to work with our cows but Sunday and Monday were full of lots of fun!!! Sunday morning my parents decided to just go for a drive for the day, so we stopped at the cemetery’s in a crazy wind storm and  then headed off for Sun Valley...I love going there it is so pretty! Right when we drove over the hill the wind stopped and it was SO nice! We ate dinner at Smokey Mountain Pizzeria, and then made a stop at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory, not before stopping at the giant chair to sit in of course. It was a great day with my family! Then on Monday we went four-wheeling out to Bear Trap Cave which was really cool! The cave itself is probably only the length of a football field, but it was fun to explore it for a little while, it was pretty sweet! And the weather was beautiful! We came home and enjoyed delicious chicken from Farmers Corner...Needless to say it was an awesome and much needed little break from life in general! 

At Bear Trap Cave

Cute little Holli on her 4-wheeler!

Such a pretty ride!

Giant chair in Sun-Valley!

That's All! :]

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

I'm running a marathon!

NOT! But really I am going to run a 5k...I learned not to say marathon because that means 26 miles and 5K means 3.2 BIG difference! I don't know if I can do it but I am going to try! I gave myself a strict routine throughout the day, what to eat, how long to exercise but to be blunt for a moment I hate running! I force myself to run on the treadmill every day thinking I would one day wake up and find the love that everyone else seems to have for this ridiculous sport but it is yet to be found so for now I tell myself it's good for you and we all have to do things we don't want to do...I guess this is mine. Ok back to the 5k it is in July, it is in SLC, I have a little over 7 weeks to get ready, and this is my first race ever, not including elementary school races because we all know those are a little bit misleading to an actual race. So wish me luck as I do this maybe it will dig up my love for running!

Just so you know....

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Summer Festivites

Ok so for all of you who live vicariously out of my life I am about to give you days worth of happiness!
I just thought I would filll you all in on my exciting Summer I have planned!! (I am not being sarcastic)
So yes a majority of my Summer will consist of working ALOT but thats ok because in August I am going to hop onto good ol' Jet Blue and fly, for my first time EVER to Alaska!! 
Ok so yes this is not the most warmest or exciting place to go for a Summer vaca. but I am really excited. I get to fly for the first time, go someplace not everyone can say they have gone to and be in nature which I love! Oh ya and my sister and her husband are having some open house wedding thing but whats really important is that there will be moose practically EVERYWHERE!!! 
It's ok be jealous! I certainly would be! So while I will be working most of my Summer away, I will be able to look forward ALASKA all Summer! 
I hope you all have exciting plans for the Summer, anything can happen...its Summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Ever had one of those days where all you want to do is cry? That has been me all week! It all started on Sunday at my sister Erica's farewell. She is leaving for her mission tomorrow, and it has been a really hard adjustment for me...and she hasn't even left yet! I cried Sunday at her farewell and I am sure I will bawl when she leaves tomorrow! I don't do well with change, and this is a big change for me! She truly is my best friend, we have been my whole life! It makes me so sad to think I won't see her for a year and a half, but I am also so happy for her, because I know this is something she truly wants to do and something she was truly meant to do! I have also been thinking about my Grandma Browning a lot lately, I really miss her and wish so much that she could be here with us! Every Summer me and my sisters go out once a week to mow her lawn, while one would be out mowing the other would be sitting at the corner of her kitchen table visiting with grandma. She would always have a ten dollar check written out to each of us and ALWAYS had something fixed for us to eat! We still go out to mow her lawn once a week but it is not the same, she is not there greeting us with her beautiful smile, and kind heart. She was a true example of what I want to be when I grow up. Life changes whether we like it or not, it has to move on. Not something I am particularly fond of, but as I am getting older I am starting to realize how everything have a purpose, including me! We may not agree with the changes before us but if we truly hope for good and hold onto that hope it will ALWAYS work out the way it is suppose to!
P.S. Found this video on Ellen and thought it was hilarious, I think this girl feels my pain... :)
hahahahahahahahhahaha! Enjoy!

Friday, May 11, 2012


I am so so so so so ready for Summer! Technically my Summer vacation started a month ago, but now that the weather is finally getting nice and warm it really makes me excited for, late nights, swimming, flip-flop tans, Fourth of July parade, playing outside, working in the yard, going on vacations, sleeping with the windows open, campfires, barbecue's, looking at the stars, going on bike rides, four-wheeling, and SO much more! Even though I have a job, Summer is an excuse to be a kid! I love the feeling of no school, no homework, just play and making memories! Summer can start right now...who's with me!?!?!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Oh Lagoon the Disney Land of the Utah, Idaho residents! So fun! Me, my sisters and brother in-law went yesterday and it was BEAUTIFUL! I even got a little sunburn...going to turn into a nice little tan! Although we spent probably half of our day in lines it was so worth it!! Nothing better than riding rides all day with your best friends!!
                                       I just love this pic. I took of the ferris wheel

Probably my most favorite picture of the day. Holli HATED the ferris wheel, we made her go on it and she told us before that she didn't mind heights as long as it doesn't stop...we told her the ferris wheel goes straight around...she was not to happy with us when she found out it stopped for like five minutes! haha

No wait is to long for Wicked!!

Crew for the day! So much fun! I seriously have the best family in the entire universe!!!!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


So I work at a developmental agency with handicapped kids. This is one of the most tiring, frustrating, overwhelming jobs you could have. But it is also the most rewarding job you could have! I worked at this job for almost two years before I left for college, and I have to admit I was so ready to leave that job, but now that I am back and seeing all of the kids that I knew before remember me makes me so happy and excited to be back! They were all so happy to see me, and it made me feel so good! Even kids I didn't know wanted to be my friend and get to know me. It really made me think how special and close they are to Heavenly Father. They truly have the spirit of the Lord with them and I feel so blessed to work with them!