Wednesday, February 27, 2013


So I love Mormon Messages...whenever I am having a bad day or a hard time, watching a few of these really help me feel better! My sister showed me this one and I fell in love with it! It describes life so matter what our struggle is at the time it is important to know someone is going through something just as hard if not harder.

**P.S. At 3 mins. is my favorite part!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

This weekend was quite a blast! There was not much that went on but those are usually the best weekends! Friday night three of my roommates and I went to this thing called Pond Skimming. What they do is they push all of the snow into a ginormous hill...I mean huge! So then at the bottom of the hill they put in this huge pond with water. At the top of this hill they get skiers and snowboarders go down this hill and they try to skim across and make it across. It was way cool to watch, but super cold! The wind was blowing and the people skimming across splash water all over and you get soaked! At one point the people in front of me ducked right as a wave of water was coming over the fence soaking me. My hair literally had ice chunks in that point I was done and went to the car. While it was way cool to watch and really funny it is not something I will probably ever do again unless the weather is a little nicer. Saturday this huge blizzard hit, which probably explains the freezing weather the night before! It snowing all night and almost all was kinda nice because it was an excuse to just stay inside all day in our pajamas and watch movies. Saturday night was pretty awesome! We had stake conference. It was wonderful! Something I really enjoyed was something my stake president said. He told us 4 ways to be happy: 1. treat others the way you want to be treated, love as the Savior would love. 2. Give more than you receive. Service is the best way to show others your love for them. 3. Have a good attitude. Attitude is a choice, we literally have a time between whatever happened and our reaction to it. There is a few seconds to make a choice. 4. Stay physically fit. When we are fit we are happier...I think Elle Woods puts it best, "Endorphin's make you happy and happy people just don't kill their husbands." haha well it was a great weekend! School starts back tomorrow, but I can't wait for Summer. It is just around the corner and I can't wait!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Happy birthday to the best Momma!!!!

Well today was my wonderful mother's birthday! I am so thankful for her, and for all she does for me! She is truly my best friend! I know I can go to her with anything! She is the most self-less, kind, loving woman I know! She spoils me all the time and today we wanted to spoil her! All she wanted was for us kids to help her paint her living room, and although we had no idea what we were doing it actually turned out way good! She loved it and that's all that matters! I sure love my Mom and I hope she knows how much I appreciate all she does! I am so proud to be her daughter! Love you Mom!!!!

EXTRA long weekend!

This past weekend was an extremely fun and exciting one! I was able to go and be a part of some really great friends big special day! Katelyn and AJ got married on Friday and I was lucky enough to be one of Katelyn's bridesmaids! Their day was wonderful! Katelyn looked beautiful and AJ looked dashing! The happiness radiated off of their smiles that day and it made me so happy to see them so happy! I was lucky enough to be a part of it! 

I got to skip two days of school which is a little stressful in college, but everything worked out and teachers were really understanding! I left home on Wednesday night and met my parents in Pocatello where Heidi and Kyle took Holli and my parents took me! Thursday morning we got ready and hit the road! My grandma Stocking was able to come with us because ironically my Great-uncle lives in Katelyn's ward in Connell, Washington. I was so glad she could come! 

I was able to drive through Oregon which I have never done before...I even broke the law and pumped my own gasoline! That's just how I roll! But, after an 8 hour drive we finally arrived and went straight to bed! We were so tired! I woke up started to get ready and headed for the temple! 

The temple was beautiful and the skies were blue! It was a perfect day for a wedding! After pictures we headed over to the dinner where I was able to catch up with another great friend! Tanner! There was a group of us that hung out all the time last semester and I was so excited to see him! 

So my Great Uncle being the sweet guy that he is offered to book us a hotel room in Connell and well the first thing to know about this tiny little town is there is not much in it...I mean I think Paul is a step up from this little town. So we were thankful for his generosity and went to check into to the M&M Motel! First sign that it wasn't going to be good was the billboard out front that said..."Truckers Discounts and Pet Friendly." We knew we were in trouble! We get checked in and our nervous minds walked into the prison cell I mean hotel room! Not even joking...this place was disgusting. If any of you are familiar with the Rupert area I am pretty sure the Flamingo Inn by the fair grounds is a step up from this place! It was evident that this hotel was pretty hip in its day but we could not bring ourselves to stay in this room so we ended up just leaving our keys in the room and finding a different hotel. It was bad! But we were so thankful for our Uncle's generosity in helping us!

Saturday morning came and we packed up did a little shopping and made the great trek home! The fun didn't stop there though, because all of my sisters, except Erica, were home! It was so fun and all we did was veg but it was great, we had lots of laughs, did our traditional Jack in the Box at midnight, and spent lots of time with family! 

I am now back in Rexburg freaking out about all of the school I missed and how I am ever going to get caught up...but only a little over a month left of school and then my Summer vaca starts! All I need to do is keep going strong!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Well school is going great, busy but great! I have decided I need to appreciate the opportunity I have to get an education more than I do! I really take it for granted, and although right now it is not fun I know one day I will be grateful I did what I did!

This last weekend was Holli's cheer competition is Pocatello! She did great and got second place...I forgot my phone and camera in Rexburg so I got no pictures, but rest assured she looked great and it was fun to finally see my family!

Right now I am getting ready to head to Washington in about a week, my old roommate Katelyn is getting married and she asked me to be a bridesmaid! I am so excited and can't wait to get out of Rexburg for a few days! Although it is a lot more stressful than I thought it would be mostly because it is like the week before mid-terms so we have papers, tests, and more papers to write! But I don't even care it will all be worth it!

Life is so good! I am being quite the slacker this semester on blogging but I guess that means I am doing my homework more right? haha