Monday, December 16, 2013

Erica's Homecoming!

My roommates and I went to the BYU-Idaho Christmas Concert! It was so wonderfully done and it really got us into the Christmas spirit! And it didn't hurt that the guy singing was really attractive! ;] 

This last weekend I went home because Erica gave her homecoming talk in church! She did a great job, and it was so fun to have everyone home! My mom made delicious soup and we had a great turn out! It was a little stressful to leave for the weekend because this week is finals and when I got home I just wanted to stay home so bad, but if I can make it through this week I will be just fine! This is a short and sweet post but we didn't do anything except get ready for Sunday, and I had a ton of studying to do! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Thanksgiving Break!

Thanksgiving Break was a much needed break from school! It was so fun to go home and just r.e.l.a.x! And to top off the whole weekend my sister came home! It was so fun to see her again...a lot more goes on in 18 months than you realize! It was great to have the whole family together again! 

So Tuesday Hyle and I headed home the second we were done with school and work for the day! We were so anxious to get home, Erica came home that night at 9:00 PM! We called the airline to double check she made it on the plane, and tracked her flight the entire way home! We were so excited! We got home and the rest of my family was just as excited so we decided to leave for the airport and hour and half before she flew in just to make sure we got there on time! 

The time finally came and her tiny little airplane landed and off she came! It was the best feeling seeing my sister again! Seriously never been happier! 

We went home and she was pretty overwhelmed, and tired so we called it a night and went to bed! 

Wednesday morning we woke up and took Erica to get some new clothes...we did it little by little she was not quite sure what she was doing. After shopping we started to get ready for Thanksgiving. And Wednesday night we went and saw Frozen as a family! It was the cutest movie and I loved the little snowman! Seriously one of my top favorite cartoon movies! 

Thursday we ate, and ate, and ate some more, slept a little, and then watched movies. It was the most relaxing holiday and I loved every minute of it! After a good nap we went clay pigeon shooting with my dad. It was a blast!

Friday we went to Twin Falls to see what deals were going on. Mostly for clothes but that's all that is important right!

Friday night Santa Clause turns on the lights! When he does this it is officially Christmas season! We ended the break with a bang! We went to the late show of Hunger Games Catching Fire! I love that movie just as much! It was amazing!

It was a great break and I am counting down the days until Christmas break and the end of the semester!

P.S It snowed and it looks BEAUTIFUL and if finally starting to look/feel like Christmas!