Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Carpet, Paint, and Birthday Parties

This last weekend my mom practically bribed us to come home and said that if we, Erica and I, would come home she would fill our car up and give us food. But let's be honest, there is no need to bribe, I will happily go home any chance I can! It was also an added bonus because Erica and I didn't have school on Monday, so it was an extra long weekend which was wonderful! 

We left home on Friday and quickly learned Erica is not quite used to driving just yet. Almost an entire year of no driving for her definitely proved that we need to practice a little bit more, but none the less we made it home safe and sound and don't worry I drove back! :]

Saturday bright and early we woke up bright and early, there is no such thing as sleeping in at my house when there is work to be done. We had to quickly move everything out of Holli's room and the laundry room. Both rooms were getting new carpet, and the laundry room was getting re-painted. We were also pushed for time because we had a birthday party to go to that afternoon. So we hustled and moved every piece of furniture to random spots of the house, trying our hardest to make them as unseen as possible. It didn't work as well and we had thought, our washer and dryer were right by the front door. Oh well! 

This girl was excited for some new carpet! haha!

These rooms certainly needed some freshening up, so Erica and I volunteered to paint. This may have not been the best idea. Erica and I tend to get a little goofy when we are around each other. By the time my parents came back we had written our names in paint all over the floor. We argue it is because of paint fumes, but lets just face it we got board and found ways to entertain ourselves...good thing fresh carpet was coming on Monday! I got no pictures due to the fact that I didn't want to get paint all over my phone, but you'll just have to imagine. 

We finished all that we could on Saturday and decided to get ready to go to this cute little girl's birthday party. Adley and her family live right across the road from us. I'm sure you've heard about them like HERE. They are great friends and such a cute little family. We know my mom is dying for grandkids because these kids get spoiled rotten by her and they just love her. 

Adley is officially one! This is a day that her parents certainly rejoiced at because of health problems that left her hanging on to life and death. But thankfully they found the right Dr.'s and medicine and she is now just like any little girl, happy and sweet as ever. Holli has an advantage over all of us with winning her love. She doesn't ever remember me but because Holli see's her everyday she tends to go for Holli more than me. Don't worry one day I will win! So I hate to admit but the pictures where she is smiling it is because of Holli not me...one day!  

Sunday we went to church, and as I mentioned previously, I found this blog during Sacrament and couldn't stop reading! Seriously, check it out! 

Monday the carpet came! There was not much for us to do, so we did a little homework and waited to put everything back. It looks so nice, and it's so soft! Mom was definitely the most excited...I hope that I never result in getting super excited over new carpet. I guess that's just what Mom's do. 

My mom took us to lunch at a favorite spot, Papa Kelsey's for all our hard work! And then we were on our way! 

Now I am avoiding homework by updating my blog and giving an update on the exciting weekend I had! But really it was pretty fun! 

Sorry for the Lack of pictures, don't worry I will eventually get the hang of that stuff! 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

New Semester...New Adventures!

This semester has sure been one of my favorites. One of the reasons being I get to live with Erica! It has been so fun, especially because we have 18 months worth of catching up to do! I am so thankful I get to live with her! Our roommates are all wonderful! I love them all! 

Classes are great, I am really involved and my teachers are all great and fun! I joked with my mom earlier this week that this is the first semester I don't want to change my major. My classes are all super fun, and I am finally into what I actually want to do which is teach English! People always tell me how crazy I am for wanting to pursue this, but my only response is I just know I am suppose to do this. I go with what I feel not what people say which I feel like is a good way of living life! 

This semester I get to actually go into the schools and work with kids! I am so excited! Because I am a secondary ed. major they think we don't need as much experience in the schools so I only get to go in the actual schools a couple of semesters but I am so exited for this one, it is going to be awesome! 

The set up is really different, we get into groups of four and then within that four we have a team partner! My partner's name is Natalie and she is AWESOME! I can tell it is going to be a great semester, she is so creative and friendly and energetic, just what I need! :] 

The first week the entire class was in charge of putting together an entire program for the kids to go through. The guidelines were we had to create stations, of which we had to follow certain topics and be prepared to teach more than 200 hundred kids a day for twenty mins each. It was two days long and it was definitely tiring! I never realized how many kids were in a tiny school...that's Rexburg for ya! The general topic is "Our Story." They are focusing on American History and we were revolving around colonial times. I don't know who learned more, me or the kids! ;]

Natalie and I were assigned the pass times and activities station. I was so excited for this because I knew there was so much we could do. We had two days to prepare and make sure our lists of supplies were given to our teacher so we would have everything we needed. We decided to be different from every other group and have the kids go through a time machine back to 1788.
 I was from the future...my name was Ziggy, and Natalie was Mary from 1788. 

We were so lucky and Natalie had a ton of old toys at her house and we found random things to make our time machine, and it was a hit! We were only allowed to take 12-15 kids at a time and I tell ya we were over every time because kids loved it so much! It made me feel good that kids wanted to come to ours, but I am betting it was just all the colors and the sign that said time machine that drew them all in. We taught the kids that people who lived in that time did not have electronics and games to play like we do today. In those times you just played with what you had. So we put those creative little minds to work. We had rocks, sticks, rope and strips of fabric and they had to come up with a game. We were surprised by how much they enjoyed it and how creative they got. They thought of everything from tug of war, to games that they came up with from pure imagination. It was very impressive! We were pretty proud of it, teachers complimented us all day both days. We felt pretty accomplished. 

I got to come home this weekend and we were sure busy...new carpet and paint...it was exciting stuff, I'm sure your just dying to read about! 

Also this is a blog my mom showed me today, it is so inspiring and faith building. I read the first one and couldn't stop. She is so amazing for the strength she has, take a look I promise you won't regret it! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Here's To A Year To Remember!

2013 was definitely a year to remember! I am so thankful for all I learned, all I went through, and all I gained. It was truly a memorable year! Every year on Christmas Eve as we sit around the tree my mom asks us what our most memorable thing was in the last year. That is the most difficult question you could ever ask, I can never think of just one thing that made an impact on me in the past year because every thing big and small make a difference in my growth, and to me those are always the most memorable things. 

As I was trying to think of how I could go about recapping the last year I refused to do a flipagram, let's admit it those are a little overused and annoying, so I thought I would choose a picture from each month and recap a little! This was much harder than I thought it would be to choose just ONE picture; there were so many things that happened that I wanted to include. But nonetheless here is a glimpse into the last twelve months of my life! 

We started the year off right with some sparkling cider and confetti poppers! I love this family of mine! 

I was in Katelyn's wedding! Katelyn has become one of my best friends! It's so amazing to see how close you can come to someone in such a short amount of time. Even though she is married we are still closer than ever, and I love this girl with all my heart! 

Of course my birthday was the most exciting thing for me in March, you can't blame me! I officially graduated from the teenage years! But as Dakota and I always say, we are still a couple of kids at heart! That statement couldn't be more true!

I got to move home in April! That is one of the best months, it is so nice to be done with school and have no real responsibility for a while! Holli is and always will be my best friend! She is always up for an adventure with me! Picnics in our secret spot never got old! :]

Dakota and I went to Lagoon! This was definitely a day full of memories! Who knew an awful head cold and a thrown out back could make for so much fun! 

In June I did something I never thought I would do. Call me a wimp but this catapult thing was serious and it took me a good hour to get talked into it! But in the end I am so glad I did it! It was sure an adrenaline rush! 

July was quite the month! There was so much that happened but I think Holli's arm takes the prize! Holli's one tough chick, that's all I can say! 

We painted the cabin in August! I can't say I loved it but it really made some great memories and it felt good to do something that I know Grandma B. would have been so appreciative of! We all use it so why not help out! 

While this was an ongoing thing for the entire Summer I thought September was an appropriate month to place these cute kids in! These girls were definitely a highlight of my Summer! Lux and Sayde always gave me a good laugh. Summer days were good to me! 

Becca! My semester would have been dead without her! She was amazing at makeup and made me a deer for Halloween! She is such a great friend! Can't believe I won't see her for an entire year! :[

One of my most favorite months so far! Erica came home just in time for Thanksgiving! 5BG (5 Browning Girls') are back together! 

Christmas concerts are the best way to get into the Christmas spirit! Especially when your with great friends!

With every year comes new experiences. New trials, new excitement, new devastation, and new memories. It's all in our perception. If we choose to see new experiences as trying times then of course that is what they will be. If we promise and sincerely try to make the best of it, things will always work out! And if I have one New Year resolution that will be it! (Cue cliche saying) Goodbye 2013 hello 2014!