Saturday, March 29, 2014

In a bloggin' mood!

Do you ever just get itching to post something, even though you really have nothing to post about? Ya I am in one of those tonight... it might be because I have a lot of homework to do but really don't want to do it! ha! Story of my life! 

Soooo I'll just update you on what's been going on! 

Well for starters school ends in TWO weeks! Holy moly! I still cannot believe it! Then I will be DONE with school for five months...which is a really long time but I never complain about not having homework! Finals are quickly approaching and all I want to do is watch 24 with Erica, (yes I'm into that show again...even though I've already watched every season! It's that good!) And get on Pinterest and imagine myself one day being a DIY'er...
P.S. I just learned what that stood for like a week ago (do it yourself) And this is why I am going to college! 
Anyways, I am working my hardest but it begins to ware on an English major after writing 30+ papers in 6's a rough life, but one that I'll appreciate later! 

Summer plans! Ok so let's back-up a few months! I wanted to do something that would allow me to have a new and exciting experience this Summer! I thought about doing EFY (Especially For Youth). I went to the interview, met some cool people and was told I would hear back in 3-8 weeks either way, meaning even if we didn't get the job we would still be notified...that's a long time if you ask me. But they said they interview 1200 and accept 600 so I guess they need time or whatever. Anyway I had a girl in a class that interviewed as well, and every Monday, Wednesday and Friday we would ask if either of us had heard any news...we never did. Ok so here we are 8 weeks in, and no news. So I was offered a job at the after school program where I am currently doing practicum. I thought sure, it would be some extra money, and give me more experience with the kids. So right after I started working they needed to know for sure how long I would be staying, til the end of their school year, or mine. Well EFY would start in the end of April beginning of May so I did not really know because I had no answer on the EFY job. After talking with my Mom and really thinking about what I wanted to do I decided to stay with the after school job and move home for the Summer! 
A part of me is a little bummed because I really wanted to prove to myself that I could do something I had never done before, step out of my comfort zone which I don't like to do at all, and I knew that EFY would be an AMAZING experience! 
However, I am really glad I'm not going because of several things: 
1. I have a lot of friends coming home from their missions this Summer that I want to be there for. EFY is not every week but I didn't want to be trying to figure out schedules and traveling and not be able to be there when they came home. 
2. Holli is all by herself for 7+ months out of the year...ok I deserve an honor or something for saying this...I feel bad for her because the rest of us always had someone home to hang out with. We are all within 3 years of each other, and really close. Holli is 6 years younger than me and has my wonderful, yet slightly older, compared to a 15 year old of course, parents to hang out with. I would be gone a lot during the Summer and I don't want Holli to be bored to tears her entire Summer. Although even though I am saying this, let's face it all Holli will want to do this Summer is take's a hobby she has mastered! 
3. My best friend is getting MARRIED! Holy moly I still can't believe it! Remember these two? The most adorable couple on the planet? Ya they got engaged and I don't want to worry about scheduling, and missing out on some of our last moments as being kids! Because she is going to be a grown up pretty soon...tear, tear, sniff, sniff. But I am SO SO SO SO happy for her! Her ring is gorgeous and they make the most perfect couple! Insane! 

I have a lot of good reasons to stay! Family, friends, and plenty of adventure! 

Now these two weeks can zip by and I'll be good! 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Birthday Time!

Alright! I'm 21! Wahoo! I'm an official adult, not much I can nor want to do different but hey, I'm halfway to 42! ;]
This last week was a pretty crazy one! My best friend found out her missionary might be coming home earlier than planned so I was just as involved trying to be realistic and rationalize with her while still getting really excited and imagining all the possibilities! It was so fun...more on that later! 
For the weekend I was able to go home, it's all I wanted to do! It was so so so so nice to be home and not feel guilty for doing nothing for a day! That does not happen in a college students life! Friday night Erica and I drove home and watched a movie with Holli! Saturday morning it was My Birthday! All I wanted was to spend time with my family, and we all wonder why I am the favorite! And that is just what I got! My parents bought a new car on Saturday so they were gone for a while doing that while Erica and I still had some jobs to take care of but after they were all done we got to do my most favorite thing! Ride 4-wheelers! I don't know why this thrills me so much but it has ever since I was really little checking water with my dad! We rode 4-wheelers and then my mom made my favorite dinner! Fried chicken, with mashed potatoes and gravey! Comfort food is the best food! Then it was time for presents...I have been wanting a Cedar Chest forever and my mom finally got the hint! I got the most beautiful one for my birthday! I can't wait to fill it up! After presents we had my favorite cake, Strawberry shortcake! 

Sunday was church and Erica and I had to go back! But we did something pretty exciting...remember how I told you my parents bought a new car? well that meant my mom's old one was up for grabs which also meant Roger was going to be retired! I loved Roger I really did, but it was time for him to stay! Vicky is our new ride and she is wonderful! No complaints! 

I was really lame and took no pictures! Not one, except a blurry one of us riding 4-wheelers! Like I said it was a really lazy weekend! Overall, however, my 21st birthday was just how I like it! Simple and relaxing! 

Oh back to Dakota and Jake! Well check out the cutest videos and you'll get the jist of just how cute these kids are! 

Seriously, I cried! I love these people!