Sunday, April 27, 2014

Scotty McCreery!

Last night Erica, Hyle and I went to the Scotty McCreery concert on campus! It is so funny how insane people can get when a celebrity is in town! I love Scotty McCreery; I love his music and his personality! He had so much energy and was really fun to watch!

So at one point he was singing this song and he told all the girls to come up and he wrote his “number” on their hand. We were all laughing at all the girls that rushed down to the stage…then out of nowhere I decided to go down! I got so close to the stage and he gave me a high five! I probably looked like an idiot, but it was a great memory! He sang my favorite song “The Trouble with Girls” because there were probably 100 girls surrounding him! It was pretty awesome!

The only disappointing thing about the concert was no one was standing up, everyone was sitting down. It was really lame and really made the concert kind of boring. But our little corner stood for a majority of the time so that made it better, but it didn't feel much like a concert which was kind of a bummer.

On a much more serious note, I learned today of a tragedy in my home town. A young girl 30 days shy of graduating high school was taken from this world in a horrific car accident. As devastating and upsetting as this is there is sure comfort in knowing that families are forever, and she will be seen again one day! Dakota was such a sweet girl, and someone who everyone loved! She surely will be missed!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Weekend!

Easter weekend was wonderful! I am so eternally grateful for my Savior and all He sacrificed for me! What a great life I have!

So the semester has ended and life couldn't be better! I am taking one online class but that is it! It is so much easier and my workload is cut down to nothing. It is nice to still be busy but not stressed! Summer is going to be great!! 

I was able to go home for Easter which was so wonderful. I am currently living with Hyle while I finish up the after school program and they were gone for a majority of last week so I was all alone and I came to realize how much I HATE being by myself. It was Spring Break for school so I didn't even have friends to was brutal. But it all ended on Friday when I was able to go home! 

Saturday we went to Twin and my Dad bought Holli and I new bikes, it felt like Christmas! We were so excited! We went on a bike ride right when we got home! The weather was beautiful I could have stayed outside all day! We practically did! After our bike ride we dyed Easter eggs- what's an Easter without colored eggs?

Easter Sunday was wonderful, Mom made the most delicious turkey dinner and the Easter Bunny came and spoiled us lots! 

I Sure do love my family!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Peace out Social Media!

Well it's that time of the semester again, finals! I have a huge love hate relationship with this week: I love it because it means we are close to the REALLY close! However, I hate it because of the stress, anxiety, over-worry, sleepless nights, merciless teachers etc, etc...that goes along with this week! 

I was thinking about how many final weeks I have endured through my college career and the grand total is 6 (counting this one)! It is so unreal to me that I am going to considered a senior in college next year...I still feel like I should be a 16 year old in high school! 

But....I am SO grateful I have the opportunity to gain an education and for all of the memories, and knowledge I have gained the past three years! 

So I say adios to Facebook, Instagram and my blog because I have no self control and I have lots to do that need my undivided attention! 

Five more days and I'll be free as a bird! 

Wish me luck!