Wednesday, April 27, 2016

32 Years

Yesterday my parents celebrated their 32nd wedding anniversary! Although we had to pull out their wedding book to double check the date and the year I know they love each other a lot-32 years is a long time! I am so glad they got married because unless they had I would not be here, so go Mom and Dad! You're the real winners in this situation! 

Here are their wedding day pictures: 

Fun fact: My mom and dad were married on April 26th, 1982. That day happened to be the worst snow storm of the year. They were married in the Idaho Falls Temple and it took people hours to get to their wedding because the snow was so the END of April! Just their luck right? 

Mom made the most beautiful bride! Those sleeves though; poofy like everything made in the 80's

Dad, such a handsome groom! Can't believe he had that much hair! 

Here they are today: 

Still as cute as ever! I just love them!