Saturday, June 20, 2015

Mothers Day!

Mother's Day was a blast! EVERYONE came home and when that happens life gets really good. There is no way to describe the kind of fun my sisters and I have when we are all together. I am so lucky to call each of them my best friend! The weekend started out with everyone swooning over the most handsome boy there ever was. I mean seriously, how can you not be obsessed over him? Camden is going to be quite the lady killer one day...actually he already is!

Saturday we told my Mom we would do anything she wanted, and she wanted to go to Twin! So as we were getting ready she was impatiently waiting and dying to take Camden with her so without telling anyone off she left baby in tow. I guess when you're a Grandma and its Mother's Day weekend you can get away with that sort of thing. She didn't make it to far though before "Mom" aka Heidi freaked out and told her to wait for her at Grandma Stockings. 

The rest of the day we shopped and just enjoyed laughing together. When we got home I had to write a talk for church on Sunday. My first big girl talk...I can say I'm a real grown-up now because I've given a talk in sacrament meeting for longer than 5 minutes. But after that we played a few games, and just hung out. We played this one game called Scattegories and it is a new favorite! We have never laughed so hard before, the things you come up with! Seriously look into buying it, such a fun game!

Sunday we went to church and ate an awesome dinner made by my Dad! The one Sunday he cooks each year, and it was dang good!

I have to admit...I don't think I took one picture of the entire weekend, except of Camden! So I'll spare you my hundreds of photos of the cutest baby and just post a couple! 

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