Sunday, October 27, 2013

Awful plays and birthday decorating!

So I had to go to this play for a class, and I drug my roommate Becca with me! Needless to say it was the worst play I have ever been too and we both decided we would have much rather gnawed off our legs than watch the play it was THAT bad!

I also got to go to a pumpkin patch with Hyle and Kyle's sister Brooke! It was super fun, it was the first time of the season, but it was certainly a good one! 

On Sunday, today, it was my roommate Becca's birthday! We wanted to make it super fun so on Saturday night we took her shopping and out to dinner! She is so stinking cute and so innocent I just love Becca to death! 

After dinner and shopping we watched a movie and waited for her to go to bed so we could decorate for her party...which we thought would be easy because she generally goes to bed pretty early, but of course she decided to go to bed at 12:30 and not even fall asleep till almost 1! Which doesn't seem like much of a problem but when you have 9:00 church it is pretty rough! But needless to say we did it and she LOVED it! Funny story, so we were trying to be quiet of course so we don't wake her up but we got these balloons that were different sizes and some had a little too much air in them, and would pop just randomly! It was both scary and not good. We did this balloon avalanche on her door so that when she opened the door balloons would fall into her bedroom and of course the balloons kept on popping and I have no idea how it didn't wake her up but we were sure glad it didn't! 

Even though we didn't get done until about 3:00 AM it was well worth it and she loved it! I love Becca and we had even more in store for her on Sunday night! :]

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