Sunday, November 24, 2013


Ok so the blog title has nothing to do with the post but I just wanted to make sure that two days from right now we will be getting ready to go pick up my sister Erica who has been serving a mission in South Carolina! I couldn't be more excited for Thanksgiving break to get here! :]

This weekend was a nice and relaxing one! I wanted to get all of my homework done so I wouldn't have any over the break...I did it! No homework for an entire week! Thank Heavens! 

It was none the less a great weekend! Thursday night my roommates and I got midnight premier tickets to Hunger Games! Oh my goodness it was SO good! Never has two and a half hours ever gone by so fast! I could watch a million times and not get sick of was that good! 

Before Hunger Games we were getting more and more bored, anxious. We tried to take a nap, (me and Becca), haha! We are always the ones to go to bed at 10:30! We were nervous we wouldn't stay awake for the movie...we needed to be sure. But after our naps we still had 5 hours before the movie, and it felt like an eternity. So Becca and I decided to burn this's from a play we went to a few weeks ago and it was SO awful! We thought it was only appropriate to burn the's a video if you want to watch. I think it's hilarious even if you don't! ;]

Friday night we were all pretty tired, (me and Becca), haha! So we decided to have a chill night, make muddie buddies, watch a Christmas movie, do face masks and just have a girls night!

Saturday was quite consisted of homework ALL day long! But no homework for Thanksgiving break! :]

Saturday night Becca and I wanted to make a craft for our apartment! We went to a local craft store to get what we needed and they ended up not having what we needed. So we decided to make a trip to Idaho Falls and go to dinner! It was great, we spent way to long at Jo-Anns, but made up for it at Olive Garden! It was great! 

Becca is probably in my top ten favorite people on the planet! I am so glad she is my roommate! I just love her! :]

Now I just have to wait two more days until Thanksgiving break to get a break from school, and to see my sissy! I can't wait! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Best Weekend Ever!

This weekend was so fun! My friend Dakota came and visited me from Logan! I was so excited to see her! We had gone too long without seeing each other it was a great reunion! 

Friday night she got here and we just hung out, watched a movie, and just relaxed! It was pretty awesome! Dakota brought an air mattress and my sister gave us bedding which was awesome! We were pretty set sleeping wise! 

Saturday we woke up early and headed up to Island Park to play in the snow! Dakota's future cousins invited us up to their cabin and it was so fun! The snow instantly put us in a good mood and just being in Island Park made it even better! The girl's family was there and the mom was sure to make sure we were well fed! It was wonderful! We also got to play on their snowmobiles a little bit and it was a blast! Despite the fact that we only had jeans and jackets, we didn't care! 

After snowmobiling we went to Big Springs to feed the fish! And we got to have a fire and roast hot-dogs, with s'mores!I just love being in Island park! 

Saturday night we went to a movie called "The Saratov Approach" it was so so so good. It is about these two missionaries who were called to Russia and they get kidnapped. It is just one of those movies that proves with faith anything is possible! I won't spoil the ending but you seriously need to watch it, it will build your testimony!

After the movie we went back to my apartment and painted our nails!

Sunday we went to church and came home and made chicken fajitas, and took a little nap, went for a walk around campus and said goodbye!

I miss this girl so much! We don't get to hang out that much anymore because we go to different schools but it is always so fun and like we never left each other! I can't wait to hang out with her again! 

p.s: only two weeks until Thanksgiving and when Erica gets home!!!! :]

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Well Halloween wasn't the most exciting year! Seriously holidays should not be on school just ruins everything! Oh well, my roommates and I still decided to dress up and were determined to find something to do...(we didn't) 

My wonderful roommate Becca is amazing at doing costume makeup and was hired by about five girls to do so! She did deer makeup for me and our friend Addison! 

Seriously she is a pro!

(p.s. people kept thinking we were the fox off of that incredibly annoying song...we were not the fox, and we were very insulted by people who assumed so!)

My roommate Ashton was a gypsie...she wasn't too sure how they pose...she kept saying, I just need to pretend like I'm stealing something...I guess that's what gypsies do I wasn't aware of that haha! 

My adorable roommate Becca was a doll...

ok so background story. Becca and I were going to be deer together and find an awesome party to go to and make a lot of memories. Well nothing ever came up so I thought of the idea to have an anti-Halloween party, (mostly because we had no Halloween plans) anyways We were going to have my roommate Julianne and her boyfriend be Santa and Mrs. Clause, Becca and I were going to be reindeer, Ashton and Ali were going to be elves and we were going to watch the movie Elf. Well eventually people decided to secretly shy away from this wonderful plan leaving me and Becca to really be the only ones who wanted to do it...but then Addison came over and wanted to be a deer too and then Becca decided she wanted to be a doll, she was a Christmas toy doll, and no one had the movie Elf. So that plan failed miserably but it was still a wonderful thought!

Oh and Ali still decided to be an elf! She is so cute! 

All and all it was a great Halloween even though we got all dressed up and only drove around! I love this semester and my roommates! 

P.S This made me laugh so hard! Honey Boo Boo's family dressed up as The Kardashians for really shouldn't have made me laugh as hard as I did, but I found this hilarious! Scott and Bruce are my favorite in this picture! :]