Sunday, November 10, 2013

Best Weekend Ever!

This weekend was so fun! My friend Dakota came and visited me from Logan! I was so excited to see her! We had gone too long without seeing each other it was a great reunion! 

Friday night she got here and we just hung out, watched a movie, and just relaxed! It was pretty awesome! Dakota brought an air mattress and my sister gave us bedding which was awesome! We were pretty set sleeping wise! 

Saturday we woke up early and headed up to Island Park to play in the snow! Dakota's future cousins invited us up to their cabin and it was so fun! The snow instantly put us in a good mood and just being in Island Park made it even better! The girl's family was there and the mom was sure to make sure we were well fed! It was wonderful! We also got to play on their snowmobiles a little bit and it was a blast! Despite the fact that we only had jeans and jackets, we didn't care! 

After snowmobiling we went to Big Springs to feed the fish! And we got to have a fire and roast hot-dogs, with s'mores!I just love being in Island park! 

Saturday night we went to a movie called "The Saratov Approach" it was so so so good. It is about these two missionaries who were called to Russia and they get kidnapped. It is just one of those movies that proves with faith anything is possible! I won't spoil the ending but you seriously need to watch it, it will build your testimony!

After the movie we went back to my apartment and painted our nails!

Sunday we went to church and came home and made chicken fajitas, and took a little nap, went for a walk around campus and said goodbye!

I miss this girl so much! We don't get to hang out that much anymore because we go to different schools but it is always so fun and like we never left each other! I can't wait to hang out with her again! 

p.s: only two weeks until Thanksgiving and when Erica gets home!!!! :]

1 comment:

Kota said...

Seriously it was the best weekend! I already miss you and can't wait to get together again :) Thanks for letting me stay!!